​Family Caregiver Support is provided to qualified persons to help with care-related information and decision-making, education and training, caregiver respite, supplemental supports, counseling, and support groups. Services and supports are provided through Jovenes de Antaño, as well as through partner organization, Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center, a program of the Health Project Center.
Under Title IIIE of the Older Americans Act, the term "family caregiver" refers to a person who isan adult family member, or another individual, serving as an informal provider of in-home and community care to a person who is 60 years of age or older.

Family caregiver is also defined as a grandparent, step-grandparent, or relative by blood or marriage, who is 60 years of age or older, lives with a child, is the primary caregiver, and has a legal relationship or is raising the child informally.
Grandparent or older relative caregivers can also get help and support in the form of legal advice, counseling, or representation through Jovenes de Antaño’s partner service organization, Senior Citizens Legal Services.
Call 831-637-9275 for more information, services, referrals, or to schedule an appointment.